I want to know why people in the lgbtq+ or black people are hated on so much. Yes we have different skin colors or different sexualities but that doesn't give anyone the right to be cruel and unfair to others. We are all human and no one can change that. You have a right to your own opinion and a right to not support people in the Lgbtq+ but you do NOT have the right to hate us just because of who we love, or our skin color. If you aren't part of the community you don't know how hard it is for people to come out to their friends and family. How hard it is to know some one that we love does not accept us. If you are white you don't know the struggles of a black person, you don't know the hate they get just for their skin colors. Stop the hate, because I can get half of the people that hate on us wouldn't even handle a day in our lives. ❤
@kawaii_aesthetics Exactly! But not everyone thinks like, unfortionately the real world isn't like a fair tale so it isn't fair, but I wish it were.