
Motivation comes in spurts. Whether it's used is what matters.


So...I guess I'm doing this thing now.
          I guess this will let people know I'm alive and working? Sure, let's go with that.
          @rrrrrrrrrrreader552 I dunno what you've started, but no chance of ending it now. So here we go.
          Q: What country are you from?
          A: America! Not the greatest place, but a helluva lot better than other places.
          Q: What country do you want to live in? It can't be your own country.
          A: Probably Japan. The weeb in me probably controls most of that decision, haha.
          Q: What religion are you?
          A: None. I won't ever be. Just how it is.
          Q: What is your dream job and why?
          A: Something to do with space, so I guess an astronaut/astrophysicist. The infinite possibilities of exploration in space make it an exciting job to chase after. And it won't ever be boring!
          Q: What grade are you in?
          A: Eh, I'm a Freshman in high school. Almost done though. Sophomore year awaits, with more experiences to come.
          Q: What's your gender identity?
          A: Male. And it's gonna stay that way.
          Q: Are you single?
          A: Thankfully not! @emberblazeofwindclan helps me get through some tough times, and she's the most lovely lady I've ever had the pleasure to know.
          Welllllllll, I did it! I would tag more people buuuuuuuuuuuut...laziness consumes me.


Here's hoping. Probably won't matter too much though haha


Yeah, I just hope that the third question doesn't start an online war


          Once again, this REALLY needs to be done.
          This could honestly just be me hating my writing, but my plot NEEDS a rework in some way.
          While I was writing for my next couple chapters, I realized the restriction I gave myself from my stale plot devices was highly unlikable and stupid. I absolutely need this, and it will make my story a million times better.
          This will change the main plot of the story, although the following chapters will stay the same;the only thing changing is the reason WHY, if that makes sense. It will be more fluid, expected, and understandable to the reader.
          As I said, currently, it is EXTREMELY stale. Thank you to the people who are currently enjoying it now, but I have a feeling this will help my book MAJORLY when it's out.
          As you might guess, this is going to delay the bulk update coming out, as I'll need to check over all chapters and replace/remove/update references. It will take time, but it will certainly be 1000 times better by the end.
          Thank you so much, and it will hit soon.


Condemned by the Fallen will have a bulk update coming soon. Hopefully this will make up for the lack of updates. Three to four chapters at once is about what you should expect. (They'll also be longer too, about 1.5x-2.0x the length :3)
          I've been working on setting up and preparing the @ChatpadAUs story that I've created, Elysian Hydra. That has already begun, but will kick off with full force in what I hope to be a week or so. Thank you for your patience! Stories will reach you soon.


Update regarding C1 redux
          Alrighty, the new chapter is now up and going. The characters have descriptions, their powers are now introduced much better, and some small story adjustments were made, although only one will end up being extremely significant. I'd recommend anyone actually following my book and interested in it to reread it from the beginning and go through from there. Salutations!