No matter how many times people say it, time truly flies. Years past by in a instance, you were just eleven years old writing stories on a ipad without any care in the world. In that instance i didn’t care about being fourteen. Where i am now is where i’m going to be at in this second. Nothing is granted not even the second before this. Gosh, it’s been forever since i even been on Wattpad. Back in 2020-(2021?) people hated how others would start a book and not finish it. I was one of those people, I still am (hypocrite right). It’s six in the morning, a week and a half until i start high school. I’m writing this off of my phone so excuse the grammar. I just wanted to know if there is anyone who is still active. And how is life, How did everything change, how is everything now? I left wattpad becuase it started feeling like a chore, i was young and it was really entertaining for a short period of time, i am still young and barley have priorities, but i know right now (aug 16 2023) the only thing i’m worried about is high school and football games. I feel like i’m living a life out of a book, which brought me back here. Well, i think it’s my time to go. See you guys later!

@xGracie1 well yk me, we haven’t talked in a while cause I deleted snap but I’ve been doing alright. And believe me you don’t have to worry about high school or anything. Just like you said, time flies and you barely feel it. Especially those first two years of high school. So don’t sweat it or get nervous. Just study and have fun without a care in the world because that’s the only way it can go by peacefully. Tomorrow I am a senior which makes me almost 4 years older than you and that’s insane lmao. But anyways, I hope this year goes well for you and updat me whenever you can