
Hey guys!! I hope all of you have been doing well! I'm proud to be an American right now, all marriage is now equal under the eyes of the law. Congrats to everyone in the LGBT community!!! 
          	And I just wanted to let everyone know about the new book I'm writing. It's called The Shattering Point and it's an original idea and I hope you all enjoy it! Please vote if you do and comment what you guys think, I love hearing from you! Thanks! Xx


Hey guys!! I hope all of you have been doing well! I'm proud to be an American right now, all marriage is now equal under the eyes of the law. Congrats to everyone in the LGBT community!!! 
          And I just wanted to let everyone know about the new book I'm writing. It's called The Shattering Point and it's an original idea and I hope you all enjoy it! Please vote if you do and comment what you guys think, I love hearing from you! Thanks! Xx


Hey guys! I know I haven't been on in FOREVER, "my life has been twisted upside down" (to quote the Fresh Prince) but I'm back! And I'm working on a new story called The Shattering Point and it'd mean the world to me if you guys could check it out and leave feedback and then also tell your friends to check it out! This is the one I'm hoping to turn a manuscript of into a publisher so hopefully you guys all like it! Thank you so much for being amazing, I appreciate each one of you so much (: lots of love guys, stay safe♡ xx


Okay everyone I know you're probably tire of hearing this but I literally have no time to write right now. I've been trying to get on and when I could something would always pop up. I have written outlines for updates on nearly everything, plus chapters on The Fragile Line, a new book I've begun on the account @TheFragileLineSeries. As soon as everything calms down a little you'll be bombarded with updates I promise. I'm so so so sorry guys. You're the best for being so patient and understanding. Much love to all of you. x-Hay


Don't worry, I catch your drift. I'll be waiting!!!!


Hey everyone!!! I'm back! I'm so so so so so so so so so incredibly sorry for the wait on the Demigod Games update! I've been swamped between homework, babysitting, coaching, and my own practices. But now I'm getting everything all updated. Next I'll post a chapter on When Worlds Collide as I'm thinking of starting that back up. And I have two new book ideas that will be showing up on here soon! Thanks for sticking it out! I have the best followers! I love you all so much! Thanks for all the feedback and reads and votes. I couldn't ask for anything better (: much love xx


Ok listen guys. I know you want an update in Demigod Games. I'm trying to write as often as I can but I just started high school and I have a girls volleyball team that I coach every day after school then tons of homework from my Higher classes. Please understand that I can barely get my homework done in a day, let alone write a chapter. I'm trying. Please be patient with me. I'm sorry for the wait but I'm doing everything I can to try to keep from failing my classes, coach, and write. I hope you'll understand. If not, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait. xAnna


I totally understand.