Chapter 9 has been posted! As promised it is quite a doozy! Some history laced embellishments really give this chapter a unique depth. I hope you all enjoy it!
Chapter 9 has been posted! As promised it is quite a doozy! Some history laced embellishments really give this chapter a unique depth. I hope you all enjoy it!
I have re-written chapters 1-3! I decided to go a different route in my latest updates. Any feedback will be much appreciated! Have a great day everyone!
Hello to anyone that follows me and my Bloodlines story! I am almost finished with chapter nine and it should be up within the next day or two! Thank you to anyone who has read or is reading my book. It truly means the world to me!
Chapter 8 is up! This one was a really fun one for me to write! I added some history and personal details to it. Let me know how you guys are liking the story so far! Thanks for reading!