Why the heck do I make myself stay up all night? It’s currently 6am and I’ve not slept since Thursday probably? Like I’ll say “I’ll have an early night (in my terms is 11/12) and get sleep” but then here I am at 2 in the morning sat at my desk watching cats fall and be cute..it’s becoming a problem My sleeping schedule is fuuuucked, I’m a very deep sleeper now (well I was anyways but I’ve become more deep)
Example: today I was meant to wake up at 8am to go somewhere with my momma and I slept through 7 alarms (loud alarms), my mom shouting my name, my doggo, people on my street shouting at 8 in the morning..I think my mom genuinely thought I was dead and I honestly wouldn’t blame her luckily I woke after she slammed my door closed just before she was leaving but then fell asleep straight after
This lockdown is doing some shite ♀️