
Hello Friends!
          	Im Moving Accounts so this one may be deleted in a while. if Not deleted then just abandoned until deleted by like, a Wattpad creator or something
          	If you would like to Stay In Touch with me or Read any books of mine, my New account is currently @YourFriendlyDork


Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Night! I'm Back on Wattpad and Im going to try and figure out what Kind of Story I want to make, But, while Im Here, I have something I would Like to ask.
          I currently have a SMP RP Server that is like the Dream SMP! You Dont need Anything except for Discord, for now at least. Everyone uses Oc's instead of the Canon Characters, and Im Asking all Of you if You would like to Join it! Its mostly Crackheads whom are in it and people who are Teenagers, but if You would like to Join it, Friend me at  Police Boy #7019
          Once I accept the Friend invite DM me, letting me know you would like to join! Thats all for now My Lovelies! Bye~!


Hey Ash! I finally got my account set up on here. I dont have discord right now,my phone is set on choild. Well,Merry Christmas!


tHerEs dMs?


@Owodieuwu Alright! We can talk on dms on here


Oh okay Maddison! I just got out of the car from a 9 hour long road trip