
this message may be offensive
my cronaxmaka story is super fucked up, idk wtf i was thinking when i started it??? now i just shitpost my feelings. contact me if you have any requests tho ig??


Welps, I haven't been on in ages, and when I typed xRainberryx into Google this thing here came up, so, what do ya know, I find this place again. I've been busy finishing school (It ended June 5th) and with online friends. I freaking met two on June 22nd, and I'm still reeling over that fact. Anyhoo, back to the writing problem, I haven't got any IDEAS. So, no more stories. Sorryyy


Okay. I over reacted quite dramatically, as I went through my stories and saw the very few reads they've gotten. Being the selfish person I am, I was quite distraught to see that my stories weren't popular. I apologise.
          ~I'm going to pick up the writing again, and hopefully I won't rage-quit like that again.
          ~Photography is still something that interests me though. <3
          So yeah. Read, vote, comment, whatever. Love yaaaaaa.


~I'm officially stopping my writer career.
          ~I've always wanted to make amazing stories but compared to everyone else's, well, they just aren't good enough for me. You guys might think they're okay, mediocre, doesn't matter.
          ~I'll keep these up until I feel like they need to come down to stop the embarrassment from overflowing, so I hope you're all okay with that.
          ~I'm more focused on reading and waiting for updates.
          ~School next year is also going a huge pressure and I'm already getting the freaking jitters about it, since the goddamn counselors were bitches, asking us if we *really* wanted to or were okay with taking hard level classes that even some of their juniors were just starting to take. I mean, come on! We're from Adventure! We're the smart asses of the school. Well, some of us more than others (meaning I'm one of the less intelligent but that's okay)
          ~So school, stress, pounding headaches, lack of sleep, hating myself, hating my writing, all of that.
          ~Adios, writing. I'll just be a damn photographer. That would make me so much happier. Driving around and snapping photos of everything that interests me. Warning: If I get any sort of fancy camera or shit from my Aunty, dive for cover. I'm going bold and taking that bitch to school and taking photos of you all. Just thought you should now.
          ~If they don't allow cameras in school: 
          'Well, I'm pursuing my career of life: Photography.' 
               -we both paste fake smiles on our faces-
          'That's nice honey, but you can do that elsewhere.'
               -fake confused face- <<me
          'Are you trying to tear down my building blocks for the future?'
          'No, we just want you to do it elsewhere.'
          'School is for learning. I'm learning how to take good pictures. Duh.'
               -agitated teacher person-
          'Do you need to go to the Dean's?'
          'No. Do you?'
          'Don't be disrespectful!'
          'Bitch I do what I want when I want how I want! Fuck you!'
               -leaves like a boss-
          ~So yeah.


I know this is going too seem pretty petty of me, but I would really appreciate if you'd vote for my pieces. The only reason is that I don't think they're good ( except Valentine; it's fucking awesome ) so I need some encouragement. Thanks guys. Love ya!