Bad news, I’ve got covid again and this time even worse than before. I was hoping to have some updates out this weekend as well because I knew I’d have the weekend off this week, but my luck is non existent every day :(.
I don’t like going into personal details, but I feel bad that I am constantly keeping you guys waiting so feel you guys deserve at least a little bit of explanation. I’ve been bed ridden for the past couple of days (literally writing this in my bed with eyes half open at the moment xD), I’ve even collapsed a couple of times and have barely been able to speak or stay awake for more than a couple hours.
I apologise, but I have not been able to fulfil my words from last week where I said I would update this weekend due to revision holding me back that weekend, but it seems it’s covid holding me back this time.
I apologise again. I’m not sure when I’m going to get better - I’m hoping soon obviously - but until I can at least stay awake for more than 2 hours (xD again) I won’t be updating.
Apologies once more; thank you all for love you guys have been giving me in the meantime, it’s greatly appreciated. I love you all lots xx <333<33<3