I’ve decided… I take too many breaks. Too many excuses; “I’ll write after dinner.” -and never end up writing ‘cause I’m too tired-, “I can’t write today, I’ve got too many ideas bouncing around. But, I’ll definitely work on some tonight.” -and then I watch TikTok and fall asleep-, “Oh, I’ll just get some rest tonight but I will 100% get another chapter out by the end of next week.” -… do you see the pattern here?
Today, I am going to knuckle down. No more excuses. I’m gonna write down a few physical pages of stories and ACTUALLY MAKE PROGRESS ON STORIES I’VE POSTED… rather than stopping at chapter 2.
I need to get into the mindset of WRITER’S BLOCK DOESN’T EXIST and stop pampering myself because everyone knows how good it feels to look back on what you’ve written and share it with pride.
- Goodnight Irene, will have a new chapter out before Monday… I’ve been neglecting Doll Monet for OVER A YEAR now and it’s time she gets some love.
- Gold Chains, is my most recent project and could do with a second chapter.
I will be releasing a new story called Papa’s Magnolia soon, so if you enjoy southern romance marinated in mystery (and maybe a sprinkle of murderous undertones… I dunno- I dunno ♀️;)…) you’re sure to like this one.
Once again, thanks for being so patient with my nonsensical self and I hope my future work sets off some imaginative fireworks under you.
x <3 x