
Hah, forgot this was here. It's ok though, I love this site even though I have no time for it anymore. Maybe I'll write again.


Well well well, looks like I have once again rediscovered the joys of Wattpad.
          *looks at clock*
          Ah, it's 10:21 PM.
          Any sensible person should be going to bed, but looks like I'm going to be up for a while. Time to catch up on the new stuff on here!


Me: Huh. Haven't been on Wattpad for a while. I'll finish a chapter or two, I guess.
          *Goes on at midnight*
          WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY? OH LOOK THIS LOOKS NEW *starts clicking random buttons around the site*
          *few minutes later* UGH WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS