Aaron Bax: Sinestro.... *Walks up to you* Nobody takes me serious. These people of Gotham think I can make any difference in the world. But I want people to know my name. Even in a bad way, I don't care.
@ThexBatman *growls frustratedly.* Shut up, imbecile! *clashes head on with the punch but is thrown back, because of low focus cause of anger* Damn it, you annoying /rodent/! *makes a truck and brings it down on your head*
@ThexBatman You think I didn't expect some resistance? You amuse me. To think, humans so foolishly standing against a.../GOD/. *chuckles* You want to protect your city? END HIM! END JORDAN'S LIFE. That's all I ask. *grits teeth*