
that was the quickest vote I ever received , thanks so much for your continued support xxxxx 


@ IcexQueen  haha sry i wrote so late. I absolutely hate people who read books and don't vote. I try to vote every chapter but sometimes i forget, so it already happened that i voted a book backwards. I mean authors are really trying to please us, and with just one click we can make their day, as reader you don't even have to pay too. And i absolutely love it when authors get recognised for their hard work and get to do ebooks or real books.And thanks for the follow, i'm going to follow you too♥♥♥


Oh my god I'm crying tears you're so amazing, it's crazy to me how people I've never met can enjoy something that I've created! I honestly appreciate you so much and hope I can make your day everyyyy day with this book! I love writing and honestly it gets a bit disheartening when those reads just refuse to go up but you make it so worth it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@ IcexQueen  what??? No way. I'm honored to be the first vote on this chapter. You're such an amazing writer♥♥♥♥
            Thank you for taking your precious time to write, it really makes my day


Hi! I just stumbled across your profile and I fell in love with your reading lists and I already think your amazing and how you know a lot of languages also Latin ( quite jealous tho) but I just wanted to say hi. :)


With all the different opinions it could get hectic but I've never actually seen a debate before besides everyone choosing who they want for president. 
            This week has been really boring I've done nothing at all that would be considered fun. 
            How your break been like so far ? 


@ Savi1108  In germany it is actually summer right now but the weathwr is crazy. When it is 3days being super hot there is also rain after that. But i really like it because it is so good for the nature and regional fruits. And the chance of a wild fire is simmed down a lot.
            Europe is cool but i like the fact that you can travel in your car for days in America and still be in the same country. To me it's only strange that so much land and so many people are one, you know. I also can imagine that it is hatd with all the different opinions.


HI i know you might get really annoyed .....BUT WAIT ! here me out my friends started a book and i was hoping you would check it out its called don't let them fall and its on my reading list if you could recomend it too that would be very appreciated thank a ton , have a nice day ! XD