
2023 means there will be an update for both My Life With You Sequel and Prequel sometime next week! *excited noises* Thank you guys for your support and love <3 I hope everyone is staying safe and having a wonderful holiday season!


@xSlytherinINFJx  still waiyinh for the next chapter
          	  I really love your storry
          	  Thank you so much


2023 means there will be an update for both My Life With You Sequel and Prequel sometime next week! *excited noises* Thank you guys for your support and love <3 I hope everyone is staying safe and having a wonderful holiday season!


@xSlytherinINFJx  still waiyinh for the next chapter
            I really love your storry
            Thank you so much


Hey guys, I am so sorry that I’ve been inactive. Life happens stuff goes down and writing just wasn’t my top priority. Hopefully I should be updating soon for My Life With You SEQUEL and PREQUEL. Thank you guys for all your support and patience! Much love ❤️ 


Please don’t think I’m saying your imagery is bad. It’s actually very good! You don’t have to have super long passages with insane amounts of imagery to get your point across. I really think you’re doing well! Don’t get discouraged 


Hey I just read your book! It’s really well written and light hearted!  I’m not sure where you plan to go with the theme and tone of the book, but I would be careful to stay close to the personalities of each character. That’s something I struggle with a lot. I think you’re doing a great job though! Imagery is extremely powerful in fanfics so if you ever feel like a chapter is lacking, see if you can amp up the imagery and see how you feel. Also, if you feel a chapter isn’t what you want then don’t post it. It’s better to wait and make it how you want it instead of posting on a “deadline,” I’ve gotten myself into those situations and they’re not fun lol. Other than that I think you’re doing great! Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see your next chapter! ❤️