this message may be offensive
Okay, let me clear something up here. As some of you know, I posted Dan and Phil's 'The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire' on here not too long ago. I got at least twenty comments saying, "This is disrespectful to Dan and Phil, take it down." Yes. I know how you might see it as disrespectful. But if you took the fucking time to Google 'read the amazing book is not on fire free' IT IS ON OTHER WEBSITES FOR FREE. SO DON'T FUCKING LAY ALL THE SHIT ON ME. OTHER BOOKS ARE ON THE INTERNET FOR FREE, SO WHY IS THIS ONE SO SPECIAL? IT. ISN'T. JUST. ME. WHO. PUT. IT. ON. THE. INTERNET. FOR. PEOPLE. WHO. CAN'T. AFFORD. IT. Also, one comment said "If they can afford internet I'm sure they can afford it.". Oh my god. Not everyone's parents have a job. Not everyone has a job. Maybe they're like me, they barely have enough fucking money for food. So don't fucking complain about something you could read for free. I fully respect Dan and Phil, and I'm sure you all do too. But there ARE other books other than tabinof on the internet for free that other authors have put a lot of time and effort into. But no, you all won't consider them at all. It's all about Dan and Phil just because they brought out a new fucking book. WoW!!!!11! AmazinG!!!!11!! Good for them!!1!!1!11 Yes, I love Dan and Phil. Yes, I respect them. I also respect other authors. I'm not saying it's right to put books for free on the internet, but I'm hoping you can see where I'm coming from. I've made a new account. I won't be telling the name. - Ashton.