If you all could do me a huge favor and go skim over a new story idea of mine on my personal account, @xTrinityxHeartsx that'd be amazing! If you get the chance to, it would really mean a lot! Thank you so much! xTrinityx


I'm pretty sure none of you guys will answer this but just asking in case; do you all think you guys would read a regular story if I post one on my PA? It'd be awesome even if you only checked out the first chapter I post and don't continue reading. I haven't posted one yet but I was just wondering before I started writing it. Your thoughts and opinions are all important to me. DON'T EVER think that you and your opinions aren't important :)


@SoccerChic06 OMG! I just saw this and died! X.X First off, me and Faith both say thank you. I left a comment on your one shot for a one shot. You would make my life if you wrote me one! As for following goes, it would be an honor to follow you! I have a very specific belief which is, if you follow me first I will definitely follow you back or if you have an amazing story. You my friend, are an amazing writer. If you want to follow our personal accounts, mine is @BYEconnorsgirl and Faith's is @MissHayes159 You just made my day with this comment!
          Love and Hugs! <3


Hey! Follow back please? And Trinity: OMG! You are amazing. I saw my One Shot book on your reading list and died of happiness (if that's possible) and if you ever want One Shot, messge me. 
          And Faith: Hunter Hayes is da' bomb. And I read 'My Wattpad Love' too. Seems like you have an awesome taste in books? Haha. 
          And oh my god. The profile pic you guys have is amazing! Before You Exit <3