Istg I'm always think of working out to lose all this chubbiness of mine and I just ate 13 chocolates in a row, like I had a full box and now there's only the one flavour I don't like. Why am I such a fatass, honestly, how do other girls stay thin, like how?!!
Youll be forever in my heart too. At least, the tiny thing I call a heart. It's been 14 years, but my heart just refuses to actually be a heart, at least, a heart that isn't a shitty one
Well I came here to see what you were really like and I guess I’ll give you a second chance... you actually seem really sweet and kind of cool. We just have differing views on sex and dress, but that may even be for religious reasons. I’m sorry for maybe sounding like a jerk<3
Istg I'm always think of working out to lose all this chubbiness of mine and I just ate 13 chocolates in a row, like I had a full box and now there's only the one flavour I don't like. Why am I such a fatass, honestly, how do other girls stay thin, like how?!!
Youll be forever in my heart too. At least, the tiny thing I call a heart. It's been 14 years, but my heart just refuses to actually be a heart, at least, a heart that isn't a shitty one
So, I was thinking about putting a story of mine on Wattpad, but there was a field which required me to choose a copyright option, but I don't get the copyright thing? I just want to post a story but I don't know what kind of copyright that entails. Can someone explain the copyright options thing to me please?
@Levi_and_the_Corpses I don't watch that much since my parents refuse to buy me/ let me buy myself headphones or earphones and at the slightest of noise from my room, be it from music, tv shows or anime, my mom complains, but I watch enough to get the reference in your username