
Dear Prospective Fans,
          	Whilst this may be my first day, I shall get to work on creating my first ever novel, based on some experiences I had in a RolePlay I was in... ~ wink wink nudge nudge ~ I've now finished the Prologue, as short as it may be, however, it's a start, and I'm pondering over the title being 'The Sun Always Shines, After the Rain Falls'
          	As exciting as it was typing this post onto my message board, I think I should bid you adieu, and refer back to my hard endeavours to create what I would consider a massive failure of a novel.
          	Deuces Dearies♥
          	~ Scarlett D. Chappell


Hiya thanks for fannin we fanned you back by the way i feel really bad and stupid because i live in England and i have absolutely no clue where croydon by the way this is Maria who's sayin this cause charlotte probably knows were it is but hay Geograohy is not my stong point by the way sorry this message is so long there are two reasons one because of your obvious sislike for txt tlk i didn't use it and also i have a tendancy to ramble so yer anyway if you wanna hava a chat you will probably catch me on my other accout @secretninjacupcake


Dear Prospective Fans,
          Whilst this may be my first day, I shall get to work on creating my first ever novel, based on some experiences I had in a RolePlay I was in... ~ wink wink nudge nudge ~ I've now finished the Prologue, as short as it may be, however, it's a start, and I'm pondering over the title being 'The Sun Always Shines, After the Rain Falls'
          As exciting as it was typing this post onto my message board, I think I should bid you adieu, and refer back to my hard endeavours to create what I would consider a massive failure of a novel.
          Deuces Dearies♥
          ~ Scarlett D. Chappell