
And his heart was the light 
          The key to having a life
          The key to being happy
          Yet it disappeared
          It disappeared into thin air
          And now he stands alone
          Alone in this place..
          The place of bloodshed 
          The place of war 
          The place where he still stands at
          He shall stand and take everything
          Head on..
          He's not stupid
          He's not pathetic
          He is the definition of Determination..
          Yet they still hate
          They still send rumors
          They still talk about him
          Behind their backs
          They just won't stop
          It's non-stop
          It's...Never ending 
          All the screaming 
          All the pain
          It won't go away 
          And now he's stuck here 
          Facing the ones who left him
          An seeing them ahead of him
          He is one; only one
          Dirty brown hair, 
          Blue green eyes, 
          Standing tall..
          Yet it's not enough...
          It's not enough for them..


They ruined my life.
          And now here I sit alone
          "Kill yourself" they said
          "We all hate you" they said
          And it hurt, badly 
          It hurt so much, he wanted to die
          He wanted to die because he felt useless 
          He wanted to die because he wanted to prove himself that he would
          He didn't want to be here 
          But he's still alive; a body without a soul and a spirit
          It's hard to laugh
          It's hard to smile
          It's hard to be angry
          Because a body without a soul, a spirit, is just a vessel 
          A vessel for someone to take over
          The heart inside is dead
          It no longer works
          It doesn't hurt
          At least not anymore
          But one thing he does know
          That nobody else knows 
          Is that..
          It's not over 
          He will fight
          He will scream
          He will shake; full of anger
          But he won't break
          Nobody can break him
          Not today
          Not tomorrow 
          Not Ever
          For he is the one who seeks 
          Pain, Anger, and Sadness
          He seeks for strength, and justice
          Not fights
          Though he will if needed..
          They can fill him with lies
          Even spread them to make them seem innocent 
          To make him the criminal and them the victim
          He don't seek bloodshed
          He doesn't know 
          What else is there to do? 
          What else can he do? 
          Why is he still alive? 
          Because he did not break 
          He didn't break because he is strong 
          His real friends made him strong
          The ones who are there for him
          Who listen to him
          Who help him
          Not the ones who don't listen
          Not the ones who don't support him
          The ones who left him in complete darkness- Darkness...
          It's dark