You're not worth dealing with directly so I'll say this here. A couple of facts for you since you don't seem to be able to grasp them and yet like to call everyone else ignorant, dumb and let's not forget your two favourite words; racist and foreign!
1 - Humans are a species, not a race. We evolved from Homo habilis and our current evolutionary state is Homo sapien. If you are confused by the term ''human race'' it simply refers to all of the living human inhabitants of the earth in the collective sense. The term's synonyms include humanity, humankind and mankind.
2 - You can change citizenship and revoke your citizenship rights in the country you were born in/live in (your nationality) but they are not the same thing. Nationality is the individual membership that shows a person's relationship with the state (i:e you were born in a country and are automatically a citizen of said country and that is your nationality). Citizenship is the political status, which states that the person is recognized as a citizen of the country. Changing citizenship doesn't change nationality, your nationality are your roots, you are a mixed nationality due to family but having been born in one specific country you yourself are that country's nationality.
3 - You really need to decide where you land on Americans being primitive, racist idiots because your only ''sources'' in any of your arguments are links to Scientific American. They're your enemy and subject of ridicule until they can help you, huh?
4 - Yes, anyone not of the same nationality as you is foreign to you, but why should that matter? You say your father is now Spanish and you site Spanish cuisine as one of your favourites, but you also list Indian food - Indians are foreign to you, yes? You have no problem with their food so why is being foreign from you such a bad thing? It's not. Also, it's racist of you to think Spanish and Indian countries don't have fish-based dishes when in fact they're quite popular.