
Does anyone know any good Fantasy stories with Magic and what-not with Black women leads?


I don’t find it necessary to add input on something that was said years ago and that didn’t involve you. Especially if no one asked. The observation was not meant to spark a conversation. If it were to have sparked one it would have been years closer to when it was said. The observation was not important enough to hold gravity in those years. Eighty-five percent of the time your two cents is not needed.


A little over a year ago I published my story “Six in the Morning.” I do not regret publishing it, but I am taking it down for the moment. I’ve written a multitude of chapters for it but the story does not seem complete. I will be revisiting all of my works to get them in order and I will publish them at a later date. Thank you for all of the reads, comments, and likes. I hope to see your activity when I start the story again.


Hey! A new chapter for "Six in the Morning" is up. I am think about taking it down because being honest it needs a lot of work. Right now I have 5 complete chapters (four of which are posted) and about 16 other plot ideas and incomplete chapters. Writing is amazing but it is difficult. Especially when you want to create something amazing and inspiring. The more I write the more I fall in love with my favorite writers because this must not be easy for them either and yet they keep doing it. Anywho, enjoy Chapter 4!


I am, for the first time in two years, publishing a work of mine. I didn't think I would ever post anything, but here I am taking a risk. https://www.wattpad.com/story/153640917


@emjaywrites you are truely amazing. I do not deserve you.


@DejaB1415 I'm glad you took the leap! I fully support you, and I'm in love with the story already. Anything you need, I will do my best to help.


Follow @emjaywrite's 
          If you don't know about this author then you should she is so good. Her stories are amazing and original. 
          Em Jay knows just how to capture the reader and keep them. I am warning you as of now, before you click on her profile out of curiosity,  if you jump into one of her stories you are giving away a piece of your sanity because she will always feed you something perfectly unexpected and mind boggling but perfectly fitting.
          Do not begin reading her stories if you have work in the morning, you won't sleep. You will be turning the pages, scrolling through chapters trying to FIGURE OUT the plot she has crafted. Trying to UNDERSTAND  the reasoning behind actions. FURIOUS with a character's words.
          Read her stories, but be cautions they are like quick sand. The more you read the deeper you sink.


@DejaB1415 awww you're so sweet


Lol, she's so good I put up a warning sign.


Thank you for standing up for me. I didn't steal her book and like I said I've never read it. TBH idk what she means by screen shots. She only had our conversation. So how is that proof. And the girl who told her, told me to go look at under my control which is not my book. 


@Mistah_JsBaby No, problem. This situation could have been handled differently, in a more respectable manner. 


Dear Readers of my stories and followers ( @clariza0809 ),
              I have taken a writing class and am better equipped with the skills to write. I don't know if you have noticed, but I unpublished every one of my stories, except for "The Effect of Her". That story will be unpublished today. I will not be deleting the stories only editing them; making them better. I will change things I do not see fit to be in my stories and publishing one book at a time. This is so I know that each book I publish is up to my best standards. I hope I have not made you lose interest in me by making you wait, but creative writing is a process. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Thank you


I will wait for your stories to republish again :)


Hi Deja can you please update the effect on her. I really love the story that u made. It was magnificent.


@clariza0809 No. Thank you for your comments. They really mean a lot.


@clariza0809  thank you so much. U really inspire me. And thanks for replying


@clariza0809 I am almost finished a chapter. And it will be out soon. Maybe even tonight if I can find the one thing I am looking for.