So, I have someone following me who I don't want following me. You know why? This person enjoys copying my ideas and using them. If this person is reading this post, all I can ask is please stop. I don't want this person meddling with my life anymore. I've become insecure, I've stopped doing the things I love because of this person, I've had to change my entire being because of this said person. And now, I can't even go to the place where I find comfort without seeing this person somewhere, always there, following me and watching everything I do.
I have four words for this person:
Go get a life.
Stop destroying my life and stop following me around. Quit acting like you're the only one that cares and quit acting like you're the only one that listens. You're not. I'm perfectly capable without you and I don't want you to be around me anymore because you're giving me bad vibes and I hate it. It's ruining me. It's killing me. It's making me depressed and it's making me insecure about myself. I want a life in which I don't need to live with you. I love you, I can still be friendly and talk to you, but oh my god. I'm sorry to say this but we can't be friends.