
Check out xXStarlordXx's new stories:
          	Ask Gamora
          	Ask Rocket Raccoon
          	Ask Star-Lord…Peter Quill
          	Brick By Brick


Ah yes ^^


I chill at 3:19 AM listening to music and I Am so gangsta and I got dat swagger…I am posting stuff on Wattpad cuz I am not allowed to have instagram…but I have Iggy Azalea (however ya spell it) and Charlie XCX singing Fancy with meh so I all goodz…yo…I totally lost my cool didn't I? OmgI am so immature


I AM BACK!!!!! MY WATTPAD IS WORKING AGAIN!!! YAYYYYYY!!!!! I really just had to log out and log back in…wow I am stupid…My background picture, yeah…um: an edit my sister made. She ships Elsa and Emmet…idk she is weird lol…anyways YIPEEE!!!