
Reminder that I have an Instagram account. I am more active there than here so please feel free to follow. 


If anyone wants to RP BxB descriptive RP, lemme know and I’ll send you an invite on discord, I really need a big distraction to get my anxiety under control 


@Fish_Named_Sallmon || Oh yeah I think it works with and without the hashtag as far as I am concerned 


@xXIsaSmellsXx it’s okay! I’ve been busy with work and today is my day off! My discord is sallmon6056. Discord changed everything so not even sure if that works without the hashtag 


@Fish_Named_Sallmon || Oh of course! That would be lovely! Sorry about the late reply, I was calming down after my anxiety attack whdhshdbsbd


Heads up everyone, going forward I will be taking down a few of my stories. I will try and get back into writing stories seriously, as I have been reworking my story, Forgotten Fragments, offline with my partner. I want to be able to try and start fresh as a writer. (I would say roleplayer, but between Wattpad taking PMs down and not investing my time into RP due to the stress of exchanging info with others and needing to meet requirements in RP books, it’s just not for me on here.) 
          I know I don’t have a lot of followers like some people I do follow on here and I may not be as popular, but I do want people to like the stories I wrote going forward. I’m hoping you guys can understand. 


Oh, they took down Wattpad PMs already- 
          I still think it’s rather unfair that Wattpad decided to take down Private Messaging for the sake of people who are into RPs and other reasons. But I’m alright. I haven’t roleplayed on here in a hot minute. 


            Yeah, I don't doubt that. I'm not surprised that people are outraged because of this. They did mess up big time. Hopefully, things can be better going forward, though for now it’s all just uncertainty from here. 


@xXIsaSmellsXx | They did it yesterday actually, May 5th (I'm not sure of your time zone)- for me it was between 8PM-9PM. Really threw me for a loop since I was expecting some messages but,, they really messed up big time since people are raging. 