
Why would we be mindful of how we talk to you when your action of a crime has pissed all of us off? Why didn’t you think before copying off me, thinking “oh, this might piss the author off”, before doing it? 


Sure, my sarcastic smartass comment was rude and arrogant, I’ll admit that. But seriously, be nice? You expect someone to be nice when you blatantly stole something from them? Let’s face it, not everyone out there is going to BE NICE to you. You blocked me first thing because I wasn’t nice, well that’s the same reason for me being not nice...because you weren’t nice!
          I’ll tell you what’s rude and arrogant. You’re rude for stealing what’s mine, and you’re arrogant for letting it sit there out in the open for a year. You’re practically taunting me. You’re well aware that it has been a year.


Hey it would mean the world to me if you checked out my story called the Faceless Forest. If yes than cool beans if not that’s fine too, thanks for your time
          Sincerely Riki :)


Ok thanks! :)


Hey! I would love to when I have time! But at the moment, I’m dealing with something so you’ll see my comment soon!


Funny how people think that we’re all underage or whatever. I’m 20 years old. Dear person who kept arguing with me. And I’m from China. CHINA! I’m not some American trying to be “exotic” and pretending to be Chinese! I’m ACTUALLY CHINESE! Hong Kong Chinese aka Cantonese but STILL CHINESE!
          Jeez. Like why do you think that I have to lie about my nationality? What good does it do to me about lying that I’m Chinese? My face still says Asian, and certain fucktards love telling me to stop pretending and “go back to the land of Ching Chong”. I AM IN CHINA! 
          You want Ching Chong? I’ll give ya Ching Chong. 青虫你个屁啊!看见你用筷子的 咋不戳死自己呀?!


I realized that I have to talk more to my readers in this platform so...HAI EVERYONE!


@xXKenzyKooXx Sometimes i'm an Extrovert but only when i'm with my friends lol with people I don't know I'm kinda like a recluse with other human beings lol


@KaidynBlake Well, I am an extrovert so I can't relate xP Sorry~


@xXKenzyKooXx When you haven't been socially active and you walk out of your house and your just like "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUMANNNNNSSSS"