Wow, thanks for your encouragement!! It's absolutely flattering to hear that from readers, because I've found really great literature on Wattpad that I look up to! Mine surely can't be the best :) But thank you. It is quite complex and strange at times, please do enjoy the rest of the experience, it might surprise you :P
That is a good feeling. I feel like Alice in Wonderland too when I write or read these kinds of books. It's more about the ride, the experience, the process and the thoughts that come out from it, rather than the outcome or full understanding of it all I believe. In the same way, something like Alice in Wonderland or a painting or something has so many different symbols, interpretations and meanings, that makes it interesting. So don't worry if you don't know everything or if you don't know enough literature. But I do have a list of influences and references on the first page, so you can do some research if you'd like.
What inspires my work... it's a long story. There are many inspirations. But this one in particular is a cumulation of my growth as a person, the maturity of my mind, the philosophies I've come to develop and understand, and my worldview on society, on human life and the system around. So really, it's a message that I am convicted I must share with the world. There are many messages or themes that I believe in passionately. Especially once the final ending is up, the last bit will truly be like a letter to the world. I find the world a place that continues to decay and crumble, and the system gathering strength and becoming more formiddable. People are losing their lives, their individuality and their souls. I wish to at least help my readers, one by one, to gain new insight and a new perspective. Hopefully it will help them in their own lives.
Thanks for the support :) It will definitely be published in the future! Just a matter of when!