Hey friends! I've been inactive for ages but I'm getting back into writing now. I'm thinking of re-writing A Master of Mischief - It's been 10 years since I first wrote it, so it would be sort of a re-launch. Let me know what you think!
@xXMade2LoveXx OHMYGOD OHMYGOD WOW YOU ARE BACK AGAIN!!! I missed this conversation I guess but I'm so glad! I think you'd be happy to know that A Master of Mischief was actually the first book that I ever read on this website. And my t-shirt ended up covered in snot, I remember that too. XD
@xXMade2LoveXx that sounds so much fun!! I love the book, since I am married to George and my name is Maddie! I love you and your writing, and I hope you do write it again!!
@PercabethFrazel I reread them and some parts are so cringey! I think I will start re-writing, hopefully redeem myself!