OK guys so I know I haven't really been active on here and I said I was gonna write, but I've been SUPER BUSY!!! Like this is just somethings that have recently happened, I decided to take band honors and trying out for all county is a requirement well my band director decided that he wasn't going to give me my solo until the night before the tryouts, so I'm standing in the band room for about 4 hours working on this solo that I am having trouble counting because of the way the measures were broken up then I go to a assembly/pizza party thing and I thought everything was going great but what do I know...its not of course... So I feel my phone vibrate and I look at and see it mom...and she is an angry momma...so I grab DJ and I take off outside, so mom is pissed at me because I didn't get the messages she sent until later, also I've been super stressed about turning in school work and keeping my grade at straight A's (IT'S A LOT HARDER THAN YOU WOULD THINK TO KEEP STRAIGHT A'S WHEN YOU ARE TAKING A BUNCH OF HONORS CLASSES AND HAVE MARCHING BAND/BAND...) but...since I said I would update I'm gonna post some pics to my art book on here so a least something was posted I am also trying my hardest to work on a story for everyone here...If any of you would like to you can send me a message or comment some book ideas that you would possibly like me to write (I've got a major writers block and can't think straight...) Thanks everyone!!!
Evilyn "DC" Valkyre