
Hi, I'm just a bit curious.. what's drawcast? It sounds interesting


Ah! Well,, first of all, sorry I didn't see your comment, and Drawcast is a drawing app that you can find on the App Store! You can share your works of art, photos, gain followers and follow others, as well as have friends (Considering it is an online app). Although,,Drawcast HAS been removed from the App Store- unless you've already downloaded it. Otherwise, you can still get Drawcast +! It's a little different controls-wise, but it's still the same general idea. (With Drawcast + you can also share videos, as well as photos and drawings!) Sorry that all sounded really um- 'sponsor-y' lmao. But yeah- if you want to get it, I'd be happy to see you there. uvu


//very verY veRY vERY VERY LOUD COUGHING// ........... rup


@emilythehedgie even memes need sleep XD gn tho lmao


nu, screw sleep, THE ULTIMATE MEME DOES NOT SLE- //falls down and sleeps// //loud snoring//