
@Sweet_Victories NP!! ;p
          	You're profile pic is freaking awesome too! xD
          	~The lady behind the computer~


@soccerhottie  lol..HI to u to !!!! ;P
          Aww..thx!!! Your profile is epicly awesome too!! 
          I hate twilight and being completely organized too. I usually like having my stuff all over the place........which is probably why I loss everything all the time... :3
          I also LOVE Chinese food,music, books, and the internet.
          Lol,wow,we really do have bunch in common!! :D
          lol....I tend to do that too but I guess you'll know that the ppl that are crazy enough to stick with you are the ones worth being friends with.
          So do I!!! ;p


Hola!!! I just wanted to thank you for reading/voting in "Nothing Wrong With Being a Tomboy" !!! I really appreciate it!! It means more than  monkeys full of chocolaty diamonds bananas!!!!! And that's a lot! Now though shalt keep being so AWESOME!! Please! :D


Uh hey :) I guess this is really random but I stumbled upon your awesome profile and I wanted to say hi cause you sound really cool... so... HI!!! Btw we have a bunch in common I just don't show it so much cause I tend to scare people away... Also, I LOVE your status cause I do that ALL the time :D