Hey everyone! I've been on hiatus for a long time since the last chapter upload for The Blackest Nights, but I felt it to give some unfortunate news that the TBN universe is officially discontinued indefinitely.
I have my reasons for doing so which I do apologize for, but it does not mean that I am discontinuing my pursuits for writing along with it! I've been newly revived into my faith in my walk with God, and as I have done so to embue myself with His godly presence, I've come to realize that what I want out of my newfound passion of writing does not align with what was displayed within The Blackest Nights, as it was a dark series of tales of experiences I had involving schizophrenia, and as of now, I have been set free from every nightmare of it through the power of Christ!
That doesn't mean that the characters in The Blackest Nights that you know and love wouldn't be part of the new project that I have in my revamping thoughts, which would speak of my experiences that I have suffered through in my life until being set free from it.
I hope that this speaks well with those who have been through the journey as we very first started from the prologue, all the way from the introduction of the amalgamatic Distortion Realm, the journeys of two doppelgangers, Faulkner and Seth, who argued with each other nonstop along their travels in saying who was the real Faulkner, all the way to the events that involved the untold sciences and infathomable alliances that were not of The Light which were yet to be told.