
Found my editor so no longer searching, but thank you guys anyways!!


ATTENTION!!!!! I'm currently looking for an editor for my story. If you consider yourself good with english and grammar and want to help then PM me please!! I want my writing mistake free plus if you have any advice I'll take it. Besides you get a first glimpse at the chapters so that's a bonus! I'm only able to pay with gratitude so please help a writer out.


For those of you that are left, and that followed me because of "Unwanted" and so forth, I owe a big a apology that I never finished the sequel. I would like to get something out eventually. I've become active again on this site after roughly 2 or so years of inactivity. I want to first finish "A Cutter's Lullaby" as I previously mentioned. And from there I'll see what I do and what I have time for. For those that still remember me and I became close to, if you're still there and read this I love you guys and miss you. For those that showed sooo much support for "Unwanted" even though I think it's super trashy, I love you. I want to start writing for you guys again and it'd be a good start by finishing my unfinished work. If any of my current followers read this please let me know what you think either on here or through pm. I don't want to disappoint, and I'm sorry for disappearing and reappearing but I'm here now and hope this doesn't go unheard<3


Hey guys!!! So it's been exactly  a year since I posted my last message on here, and I've decided to get back into writing! I've made a new account, https://www.wattpad.com/user/DaydreamMyNightmare where my new stuff will be posted. Currently am working on a story, it's a GirlxBoy romance though, so it's different then my typical stuff but yeah. You're all welcome to join that tale, if you're fans of Unwanted, this one will have a sort of  similar feel to it, but a bit less depressing(possibly). It's also a fantasy romance and a bit more mature, so far I don't have much written but am definitely looking forward to see what develops. So yeah follow me on there if anyone is interested and again love all the support you guys have given me for my stories here, you are all amazing and I love you very much!! Message me if you have any questions, and hope your days are lovely!!!!


I can't find the link for Unwanted so if you would tell me I will be grateful cuz Unwanted is awesome so you don't need to write on the description that it's poorly written.


@FanWu2 Do you mean for the story or for the restricted part? Either way here's both: https://www.wattpad.com/7243918-unwanted-boyxboy-~completed~-unwanted-ch-1
            Restricted chapter: https://www.wattpad.com/13320390-unwanted-restricted-ch-18?d=ud
            And thank you I truly I appreciate you saying that, but I believe it can be written a lot better :p Thank you though :)


I know that you're probably not here anymore as your last message stated but I just want to say that Unwanted is truly a very good book. Also, I'd like to give you a virtual hug if you're feeling down I know this is not much but still *hugs you warmly*  (:  ♥♥♥


@stickybug Awww, thank you so much \^.^/ You're  a very awesome person for that, I can always use a hug *hugs*