Hello, it's me, Shadow. It's been a long time since the last I use this account, and I didn't update the book in this account for a year. Hate to say this, but... I'm gonna discontinue all of my book due to lost interest on this fandom, and I never gonna use this account after this. It's been a good ride while it last. I've had so much fun in this MCSM fandom. But now, its time to say goodbye to this account. No, I'm not gonna delete this acc. I'm just gonna keep it and so are the books, except for the vent book, i'm gonna delete that. For my dear followers, thank you for following me from the beginning till the end and giving me support. For the people that I follow, thank you for making an amazing book. Really, I'm enjoying reading them. Don't stop writting! ^^ TellTale...thank you for making MCSM, it was really an amazing game. I still remember it was really alive back then and also a Jetra shipper...ah that memory :) Well, I guess that's all. And again, thank you, and I'm glad that I joined this fandom until now. MCSM was my part of my life since then. If you guys wanted to see me again... I have two wattpad account. My Undertale acc (Not using this that much) @_KristinTheKittyLover_ My Boboiboy acc (Yes, I'm also in this fandom :D) @KristyIsTrash That's all, hope I can see you guys on one of this account. Goodbye and thank you. -Shadow

@xXShadow_Girl17Xx Goodbye old friend. (Salutes) looks like ask mcsm is dead to.