
@Silver_Heart13 *Applause* :D I'm so optimistic *Le does a happy dance* Btw love the characters so far! You did a fantastic job on the personalities and they all have there own unique personalities and you keep them on point! I think it's awesome!!! XD Plus love the detail it's perfect, placing a exact image of what the game autually looks like. 


@Silver_Heart13 *Applause* :D I'm so optimistic *Le does a happy dance* Btw love the characters so far! You did a fantastic job on the personalities and they all have there own unique personalities and you keep them on point! I think it's awesome!!! XD Plus love the detail it's perfect, placing a exact image of what the game autually looks like. 


Lol thanks, I'm glad you do Ik once you get further and further onto the book you will begin to dislike it. This is my first books that I wrote so they don't have a main problem to surround by. Yet I try to keep readers entertained with small conflicts and plot twist. 


Hewwo lol plz remember to comment and vote, I currently dislike Mai wolf book cause I haven't found a main conflict to resolve yet I'm trying. I hope to finish soon because I'm currently obsessed with fantasy lol