You might not remember me but you featured me in one of your old books YEARS ago. I dont know if your'e even still on this app but I just wanted to tell you that the memory of you pops up every now and then. I just wanna say thank you for supporting my work on @SmilingBD and to mainly thank you for being a friend.. Especially when i needed someone the most.
@suyashsaraf23 Thanks for following us! And will do! Please dont read our fanfiction "After The War". It's poorly written and uninspired and we doubt you'd like it because it is litteral garbage. For your own safety, do not read it.
-BusinessPanda Team
@centralwrites ahaha yeah we were pretty pissed when we re-wrote our bio, one of our old friends turned out to be a total bitch, she said some names, we fucking destroyed her, just the usual lmao.