
Thanks everyone for being patient with me. It's been a hectic time and I've had no time to write anything for fun. I have been working on my violin and music the entire summer and now I'm really trying to push myself to get accepted into a good high school next year so there will be a lot of studying for an SSAT and empty mugs of coffee (at least six every day knowing me). I hope everyone has had a great summer and that you aren't mad at me for being inactive for months. Au revoir!


Thanks everyone for being patient with me. It's been a hectic time and I've had no time to write anything for fun. I have been working on my violin and music the entire summer and now I'm really trying to push myself to get accepted into a good high school next year so there will be a lot of studying for an SSAT and empty mugs of coffee (at least six every day knowing me). I hope everyone has had a great summer and that you aren't mad at me for being inactive for months. Au revoir!


My poetry book, Sounds of a Fish Attempting to Scale a Skyscraper (SFASS), is undergoing some heavy construction so that I may produce a new poetry book. In this anthology you'll find some of the poems from SFASS that I consider to be lighter and not as brooding.


As much as I hate saying this... the new Wattpad logo is starting to grow on me.


You need to read lavender by @peechykean- 
          Seriously. This is an awesome poetry book.


@xXTheNerdyPersonXx Yo thanks for the recommendation my dude


much love <3333


Am I the only one who has twenty awesome books in drafts but keeps procrastinating on starting them?


@soulonfire32 haha great to know I'm not alone


Me honestly