
Guys I will no longer be writing / posting anything BOTDF related :P I stopped listening and liking them along time ago. If you want to unfollow I completely understand but I will NOT be writing anything BOTDF related any further. Please stop asking. Thank you very much my munsters <3


Guys I will no longer be writing / posting anything BOTDF related :P I stopped listening and liking them along time ago. If you want to unfollow I completely understand but I will NOT be writing anything BOTDF related any further. Please stop asking. Thank you very much my munsters <3


Get Stoked! New Update! Okay guys, You tell me. Would you prefer me to wait until my Zombie Apocolypse story be fully finished before uploading or would you like for me to just upload every so often? Just wondering what you guys would want ^-^ Alright. Peace Pies! Bieeee!


Poop! >o< Sorry that I haven't been writting... at all... ._. ... Im going to try... and try hard to write in the summer (that is after all when I wrote Lovestruck) sooo yeah ^-^ Im not saying "Get Stoked" but... keep an eye open! :3 (P.s. I just felt like I needed to give you guys an explanation OmO Sorrrrrey) Mkay Peace pies! Bieeeee!


OmO Erm... Hello my little monsters... IM SOO SORRY I HAVE NOT BEEN WRITTING AT ALL ;-; I know it seems like I just wrote one story and quit but honestly, omo Im trying to write but... just laziness. Also I am currently writting two stories at once so It is taking a while... and might take alot longer... One is the girl x girl zombie apocolypse and the other is a boy x boy dramatic drama stuff and sadness... and happiness... and ... surprises >:3 So yeah.. this is only an update and to say Im sorry for not writting lately v-v I just had the need to apologize (/~\) So yes... (IM AWKWARD OK DONT JUDGE MEH!) Look out for those stories and... yuppers ^-^ Ok I think Im done.. sorry for consuming your precious time for this lame info. Ok... Bieeeee!!!