
          	It might not be posted for a while, I'm still working on my story on how some of my characters affect the main characters. I know the plot it's just how I'm going to write it out and the characters, like adventures and obstacle characters and the MAIN antagonist and I'm still working and rewriting the lore.


          It might not be posted for a while, I'm still working on my story on how some of my characters affect the main characters. I know the plot it's just how I'm going to write it out and the characters, like adventures and obstacle characters and the MAIN antagonist and I'm still working and rewriting the lore.


I feel like we should separate booktok and spicy booktok, like when ever I search booktok I get so many cheesy smut book things and barley any other books without smut or "dark" romance. Like I just want some horror books or some fantasy with out spice. 
          Suppose you're recommending a spicy book use SpicyBooktok as a hashtag and not Booktok so I can see more non-spicy books and none of the cringe spicy dark romance. In that case, I'm tired of seeing that and I'm tired of seeing that one ad about some guy using his c*m on his lover's grandma's garden!! LIKE WTF! iykyk 
          And those girls who read only for smut and won't read a book that doesn't have smut are like p0rn0 addicts but they read instead of watching it and it's so icky and why some people think booktok is cringe. So like can they just put #Spicybooktok or #Smuttok instead of booktok if the only thing that some of them read is smut and think the book needs smut to make it good. 
          I'm not trynna hate but like some of these "dark" smut romance can be toxic.


          I don't know if I would call this a blog but if you want to see my actual blog go on Spacehey, my user: xX_Necr0manc3r_Xx, of course, is under the same name, and the profile is also the same as my Wattpad, Neobook, and Spotify!!  I am working on new chapters of my book if you are reading it:) After this book series, I might work on more!


Is anyone here like a self-puplished author that like gives out tips or advice?
          As you know I am doing my own personal book project and I want some author to edit or give advice on some of the chapters of my book on Wattpad. I really want my book to be good, readable, and enjoyable, so if anyone is an author on Wattpad, please check out my book. I also posted my epilogue and 1st chapter of OBSIDIAN. So if you are an author can you pls share some tips or something I could edit on my story please!


Hello, readers and writers
          I am xX_Necr0manc3r_Xx and I am the author of OBSIDIAN. I know I said the last time the other account would be my last and official account but this time THIS will be the last and OFFICIAL account for the OBSIDIAN series. I am sorry for all this and again I am rewriting and making some changes to the story this time the story will be better and well-written as I am watching videos and reading about how to make the story better and more interesting as I am a beginner writer. I really do hope you enjoy this book as this is my personal passion project. I really do hope that this book and your reads will take me somewhere where I can write and make more. 
          I do have another social on SpaceHey so if you have it please follow and again I really, really do hope that you enjoy this series. I also do QnA.