
I'll be back later guys.


          PLEASE READ!!!
          Dear Stiles,
                    I dont know how to start off this letter...because I'm afraid it might be the end of our friendship or whatever we have. Or if i am lucky...the realization of my dreams, which is for you to love me as much as I love you. I told my self to take the risk because in life you never know what day will be your last.
                    I can't keep pretending that I don't like you. All those names and the glares are because I-well...I like you and I don't know how to show it.That i hate you. That you annoy me. I cant pretend i don't want you. I cant keep lying to myself like that. You are the one I've been dreaming about. You are the one I've been looking for. When I close my eyes...I see YOUR face. I think I've found the one I love. Give me chance. Think about me and how you feel towards me. I want nothing more than for you to be happy. And me to at least be friends with you.
          I guess i just wanted to say.
                                            Derek Hale