
A note from Aren:
          	《MY GOD
          	I hate the update with a burning passion, alright? I just had to uninstall the app because of the PMs being fucktards along with everything else, and now I get this ugly as hell update :T》


Привет! I am the positivity Ruski coming to tell you that you are beautiful and an amazing human being and that you are worth it don’t let anyone tell you different! You are important, you matter and you are loved! Have a wunderbar day comrade! :3 ❤️❤️❤️ 


Oof Wattpad keeps mAkIn me unfollow ya-


@-Lawful_Good- oh- did you hear about the Wattpad breaches-
            You gotta change ya password 


            <~Aren here!~>
            Sorry, this is another account of mine! This account is inactive and I can't log back into it for some odd reason :|



You’re welcome 


            <Thank you for pointing this out, I'll immediately put it in my book.>


For your book I mean 


A young woman of Indian and Middle-Eastern descent was being confronted by the police, for attacking an innocent man, but anyone who witnessed the fight (that man being Tino) had seen that the man tried to have his way with her and she was defending herself. Intisar locked eyes with Tino and her eyes widened in shock, she used to work at one of his Santa toyshops before his foreman fired her without asking Tino first, the reason being she was also a sex worker (but not of her own free will) and therefore an unmarried virgin, he had wanted Intisar as his bride but only a virgin would do, and took it out on the other workers when Intisar wouldn't give him his way, making them resent her, one particularly nasty woman was the one to find out Intisar's secret and leak it. Memories came flooding back and she turned away from Tino, refusing to look at him, when suddenly, handcuffs were placed around her wrists, she was being unfairly arrested.