This is a joint account for three existing authors on here, but we won't say our names, we want no h8 mofos! 

We have a tendency to make people well jel!

We from england bruv where we all talk fucking chav

u responaible 4 ur own butthurt

we r legends u don't have to tell us, we understand that you'll never accieve a high writin skillage such as ours bc skilage in da village #skillz #yolo #swag #smokeweedeveryday

our 'fave' bands

# BrokeNCYDE
# dotdotcurve
# Millionaires
# Insane Clown Posse
# Marilyn Manson

heyyyy baes im xXblud2kool666Xx (Rosabella)
me...xX69emuOutkast666Xx (Cryptik)
and meh...xXemodeth69Xx (Damien)

check out me myspace <3

No h8
wait, h8ers make me famous <3 <3 #666
  • in yo bed mofo
  • InscritMay 28, 2014

Dernier message
xXemo4lyfe666Xx xXemo4lyfe666Xx Jul 07, 2016 09:22PM
OmG Guys JUsT  ReaDED An  gR8  CalLdd thE AnESTHEtistS U  GISE RllY  2 READeds It  NOWE~~~ :3 lol rAwrLuv  tEh RiGhter @ISoldMySoulToBands  ThEY Just PUT  IT Up oN THE WaTTYs
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Histoires par #emo4lyfe666 cult leaders
How To Be Emu par xXemo4lyfe666Xx
How To Be Emu
YoU sHoUld TaKe EvErYtHiNg I sAy To HeArT fUk DeM hAtErS reed dis u want 2 b emu Rain Rain won't go away Cl...
ranking #293 dans la catégorie nohate Voir tous les classements
Rosabella par xXemo4lyfe666Xx
ranking #278 dans la catégorie lel Voir tous les classements
Cryptik par xXemo4lyfe666Xx
ranking #47 dans la catégorie emokid Voir tous les classements