Yo Trinity, welcome to the fabulous world of wattpad! My name is Mia and i’m an ambassador of this site. Just swinging round to make sure your having the the best possible wattpad experience possible and to settle you in and to make sure your feeling happy and content within our community It’s one of my jobs to help out the newest members who have joined us as well as being a helping hand to anyone who asks so If you have any questions or queries just send me a message by clicking reply or visiting my wall. I’m usually around and i’m always happy to help so please don’t be shy!
Here are some helpful links you should check out when you have the time:
-http://www.wattpad.com/clubs (the massive range of clubs and forums we have on offer)
- http://support.wattpad.com/home (the official support page)
- http://support.wattpad.com/entries/386469-how-do-i-promote-my-storyhttp://www.wattpad.com/user/WPNinja (official ambassador page)
Hope you have a great day exploring wattpad and thanks again for joining our amazing community!! Good luck with your writing projects and Happy wattpadding! :)