
So everything’s been going fine up until last night. I woke up to the sound of animal scratchings inside the wall next to my bedframe. When I got up and tapped on the wall, it just kept going. Not knowing what to do, I went back to bed and tryed to ignore it. In the morning, I asked my neighbor if they had heard it, and they said yes. Maybe it was a squirrel or something, cus that scratching was LOUD.


So everything’s been going fine up until last night. I woke up to the sound of animal scratchings inside the wall next to my bedframe. When I got up and tapped on the wall, it just kept going. Not knowing what to do, I went back to bed and tryed to ignore it. In the morning, I asked my neighbor if they had heard it, and they said yes. Maybe it was a squirrel or something, cus that scratching was LOUD.


Last night, my neighbor was storming in the hallway before stopping in front of my door. I was awake, so I waited for something to happen. Two seconds later, the guy BANGS with his fist on my door, AND I MEAN IT COULD HAVE BEEN A PUNCH. Then he runs off down the hallway and into his room. A few other neighbors asked me what happened last night, but I told them I didn’t know. Hope this won’t happen again.


Hewo :3


Lol, sorry, I was unfollowing some people and accidentally unfollowed u-


Yoooo! Thanks for following!!!!! :D