
Chapter Thirty-One of "Ashes to Burn" is up. Sorry for the long wait on the upload but more is coming, and the novel will be finished by the end of this year! Thanks so much for everything, guys! Vote and comment, please and thank you! :)


Hey everyone. I know I haven't uploaded in quite awhile, and I would just like to apologize for that. Currently I am going through many different things and I've been taking a break from writing. I don't have writer's block, I just need a break from it. I will finish this story before September, or the end of that month at the latest. Thanks for keeping with me and for all the support. Next update should be in August as I am away right now. Thanks and much love to all of you! :)


I'm sorry about the wait on this next chapter. This week has been really hectic and I've barely found the time to write. This chapter is okay, but I assure you the next one will be better. Thanks for all the support. Please vote/comment. Thanks again! :)


Chapter Twenty-Eight of "Ashes to Burn" is up. I cannot believe that I am writing a novel and coming close to finishing it. The ending isn't for awhile but we'll be hitting home stretch soon, but not too soon :) Thanks to everyone for the support so far, because it really helps to get votes and feedback! I'm thinking, that as soon as I publish this book, I'll send it into an editor, based on your feedback, so please vote/comment! It really helps me out! :) Thanks again everyone <3