Hi there c: You can call me Marissa. Here's some information about myself.(:

I’m fourteen years old, & a freshman. :)

I blow out my candles on November 9th.<3 Which, coincidentally, is the day I created this profile.

I’m in love with cats. Cats are great. My life is basically dedicated to four fabulous british dudes and one handsome irish lad, also known as One Direction. They are the definition of perfect, and it's seriously my dream to meet them. <3

Single Pringle over here!

I’m addicted to the color pink, anchors, food, One Direction, food, cats, All Time Low, and more food. I have thin brown hair that’s naturally curly. & brown eyes, but they're blocked by my stupid glasses -_- But quite honestly, I feel like I look better with them on.

I spend half my life on the internet, because people on here who are millions of miles away are much kinder than the peasants I go to school with.

My style is pretty basic; sweatpants, crew necks, sweaters, skinny jeans, hair bows, bandanas, t-shirts, etc.

My life goal: to be someone’s inspiration, and to save a life.
Oh, and meeting the boys, of course.

Advice? I believe that keeping yourself happy is one of the most important priorities in life. If you’re going to change something about yourself, make sure you’re doing it for you, not anyone else. You shouldn't have to impress anyone, because 'those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.' Live your life to the fullest with no regrets. Always keep your head up high and stay strong, because no matter what comes your way, you can get through it. Just have faith in yourself. Always put your family first, because in the end, they are going to be the ones by your side.

Thank you everyone who read this entire thing:) If you ever need anything from me, I’m here:) <3
  • America
  • JoinedNovember 9, 2012


Story by Marissa