Woah, hey guys! Bet you've been wondering where I've been.
Nah, didn't think so. But in case you have been, and are curious as to why I haven't really updated A Little Bit of Magic (which is up to 9K reads! H O L Y S H I T!) it's really because I was sort've sent into this awful, downward spiral into a horrible depression where I found it so hard to motivate myself to enjoy the things that I love, and it was terrible. But I've been doing so, so much better lately and I really want to get back into writing (even though I'm probably still going to be so hard on myself.)
But yeah, I'm going to eventually finish A Little Bit of Magic and hopefully write some other stuff that'll also be on my Tumblr. So look forward to that!
And to all of my followers, thanks for sticking around. It really means a lot.