A female of 5’3 stood silently on the new territory, her stance one of dominance, her chin lifted slightly as her beautiful violet eyes scanning the area for signs of life. Her fiery hair flowed behind her in the wind, reaching down to her hips, slightly hiding her bow and arrows strapped to her back. On her feet, she wore long boots, reaching to her thighs; just above her right boot sat her dagger, forged by the gods themselves and strapped tightly around her leg. Her slit skirt sat just above the dagger, fitting perfectly around her curves. Her eyes closed for a moment as the wind pushed past her form, her fingers reaching to clutch her treasured pendant; a dragon claw, holding a beautiful crystal ball between its talons. “I can sense your presence, do not hide, I’m not here to mean any harm.”

@Dangereux- Standing up she stood about the size of a large house,her crimson wings neatly tucked at her sides as they would be too large to stretch out in such a small clearing. Dark,curved talons ground themselves into the dirt as she pushed her strong front legs down. From her roughly long,yet triangular head two golden horns protruded upwards,about a foot and a half in length. This same color gold could be seen traveling down her chest,underside,and to her tailblade in an armor like fashion. Bits of bright green highlights detailed her scales,especially around the web shaped ears on each side of her head and large green spikes traveled down the length of the dragons backside. Deciding that she's “showed off” enough the other female would hear a deep,yet feminine,accented voice in her head. “Come on out now,I won’t eat you.” She jested with the human her fiery eyes glowing in amusement. (So sorry this is so late! ) (E.)

@Dangereux- The forest was quiet,apart from the whistling sound the wind made as it blew through the leaves. Not one squeak,growl,or scurrying noise for miles off. If one were to guess they would assume it was solitary;although they would sense some presence was near in the pit of their gutt. It was a lovely forest with massive red woods,pines,and oaks as far as the eye could see. They traveled down large mountains and small cliffs,that created the perfect spot for waterfalls to crash down into the deep rivers that flowed throughout the territory. The weather today was pleasant,a bit humid but nonetheless enjoyable,as the sun had risen to warm the area. Choosing to bask in a large clearing,hidden in a circle of large trees, Cypress yawned. Well,as much as a dragon can. It was a funny yet terrifying motion to most,as seeing five inch, meat shearing teeth doesn't fancy many. The female dragon was calm,of course she sensed another presence watching her, but she didn't let on that she was aware. Being the prideful beast she is,like most dragons she allowed the other… She sniffed. Ah yes. Female. to watch her. (C)