this message may be offensive
@x_Im_Dying_x I didn't know you before this but I didn't message you because of your looks, I read your bio and you seem like a genuinely nice guy, you may not believe that because I'm sure girls always throw themselves at you all the time but it's true. In all honesty I would like to meet you with a blank profile picture because that's usually how I become friends with people and I'm not the type of person to try and only talk to better looking people. If those people didn't give you a chance just because of your profile picture they are shallow and need to change something about themselves not you. Just a suggestion I'd put the picture you and up before and let the people who truly want to be your friend approach you for your personality rather then your looks. I completely understand if you think I'm just some crazy girl on this app that's just desperate but I don't care when I see wrong I try to address it the way it should. There are so many judgmental people in this world and it shouldn't be that way. Just be you and if people don't like that fuck them and their opinion because who asked for one.