
Well it's my 10 month anniversary &&' needless to say it's the worst day of my life ... honestly , i'm barely holding it together . Things are getting rough &&' they're getting worse . I'm spending my anniversary at school while the love of my life is spending it somewhere that he shouldn't have went it the first place . One little thing can take away the one you love even if they are only gone for a couple days , months , or years . In my case , idk how long it is gonna be before I can hear his voice , see him , hug , and/or kiss him . I would do anything for him to be out of there &&' here with me but it doesn't work tht way . I jst gotta try to hold it together &&' try to be strong until when he does get to get out &&' come see me . Until then , i'll be praying tht we can make it thru this &&' i'll be praying for him to be safe . If yall will , plz keep me &&' Dillan in your prayers . It will be greatly appreciated .


           I LOVE YOU BABY-CAKES(:


Well it's my 10 month anniversary &&' needless to say it's the worst day of my life ... honestly , i'm barely holding it together . Things are getting rough &&' they're getting worse . I'm spending my anniversary at school while the love of my life is spending it somewhere that he shouldn't have went it the first place . One little thing can take away the one you love even if they are only gone for a couple days , months , or years . In my case , idk how long it is gonna be before I can hear his voice , see him , hug , and/or kiss him . I would do anything for him to be out of there &&' here with me but it doesn't work tht way . I jst gotta try to hold it together &&' try to be strong until when he does get to get out &&' come see me . Until then , i'll be praying tht we can make it thru this &&' i'll be praying for him to be safe . If yall will , plz keep me &&' Dillan in your prayers . It will be greatly appreciated .


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          ….\…………..(………. ..)……………./


umm bc i wanted to lol :P


lol why would you do that lol my fingers ):


yep sure did baby girl ! :P


@x_KerriAnn_x since mine is the slutt page iguess yours is the hoe page hahahahaha lmao idk




yeppp ig sooo even tho nun of my pics make it look like it's a hoe page lol hold on tho &&' ill change tht .