Sorry for this but I'm upset. My ribs have been messed up for about 2 years, but my mom hasn't told my doctor. She gets onto me for taking an ibuprofen every once and a while cause of the pain. Telling me to picture my ribs expanding and they will, when we don't even know the problem with them. Then she shifts to telling me i lay down too much so i should stretch more often, as if i am some lazy oaf, when in reality i do more than she realizes. I told her i had problems with my memory, and instead of taking me to a doctor cause i had a trampoline fall on my head a few years ago, she tells me it's because of the radiation in my phone. Also blaming it for the reason my mole might be growing back, because phones cause cancer apparently. She said we need to get my mole removed a while before school starts because i wont be able to walk much, but she hasn't even scheduled an appointment yet. She googles all of my health problems instead of actually asking a doctor. Not to mention ever since i got my new anti depressants she thinks all my problems are magically solved. Any time i avoid interacting with certain people because I'm awkward she asks if i took my medicine. Yes i took my freaking medicine but three weeks on meds doesn't mean all of my anxiety and depression just magically disappear into thin freaking air. It takes time so stop bugging me about every little mistake i make and everything. And don't tell me i have an attitude cause i told you i had to use the bathroom while you were taking 10 minutes to explain things i already know.